ScreenDance RoadShow (formerly Motion State Dance Film Series) is the only year-long, traveling short dance film series in New England showcasing contemporary creative voices exploring choreography for the camera. Each season, a diverse program of dance films from around the world are screened at 5–7 venues across New England.
ScreenDance RoadShow takes the traditional film festival format on tour and into non-traditional film venues—art galleries, music halls, performing arts theaters, university classrooms—exposing the films and filmmakers to new audiences. Screenings are followed by Q&As with the curators; film artists are invited and encouraged to join. Past venues have included Columbus Theatre (Providence, RI); Dean College (Franklin, MA); Jamestown Arts Center (RI); Newport Art Museum (RI); Providence Public Library; School for Contemporary Dance & Thought (Northampton, MA); The Redfern Arts Center (Keene, NH); Zeiterion Performing Arts Center (New Bedford, MA); and beyond.
ScreenDance RoadShow is curated by Ali Kenner Brodsky and Andy Russ.