Sokeo Ros
Providence, Rhode Island
About Sokeo
Sokeo Ros was born in a Cambodian refugee camp in Thailand, arriving in the United States at the age of three. As a sophomore in high school, he began performing with the Carriage House Performers, a Providence-based hip-hop group. In 1998, Sokeo joined Everett Dance Theatre as a creator and performer and has taught many master classes in universities throughout his touring experience. He has been in five touring pieces including Everett’s latest, Freedom Project. He is also the director of the hip-hop based company, Case Closed!, which he founded in 2004. Case Closed! has performed at venues across New England, including Brown University, Providence Performing Arts Center and the Yard. Sokeo received another Rhode Island State Council on the Arts (RISCA) grant for his latest piece, From Refugee Camp to Project, which tells of his experiences of being born in a Thailand refugee camp and coming to the United States to live in an impoverished neighborhood. In 2016, he was awarded Rhode Island Monthly’s Best Documentary Theater for this solo show and was asked to perform/speak at TedxTalk Providence (and again in 2017). He is currently working with students in middle schools to help them cope and understand their trauma in collaboration with the Cognitive Behavioral Intervention for Trauma in Schools (CBITS). He also worked, for the past six years, with incarcerated youth in Massachusetts in collaboration with the Department of Youth Services. Sokeo is currently a graduate student at Providence College pursuing a Masters in Education.